PAV: I know Adrian Peterson was punishing his son the only way he knew how. He was more than likely hit with a switch or something else himself growing up. Does this mean he isn't wrong? No. Should the NFL have suspended Adrian Peterson? I think so, especially considering there was a criminal element to the story in that Peterson turned himself in to authorities and is being charged with negligent abuse.
My parents spanked us. I even got the belt once or twice. It was never excessive and I harbor no resentment for being punished as a child. I have spanked my 5 year old exactly once. I immediately regretted it. He is sweet and caring and he doesn't deserve to be hit because I sometimes grow impatient and angry. My two year old is too little to understand the significance of punishments, in my opinion, but I've swatted him a few times when he's pushed the boundaries. As a new(ish) parent, I struggle with what is and isn't effective punishment. We want to be consistent with our kids, but we want to be firm so they learn right from wrong. I also don't think spankings and scolding are harmful unless they are excessive and done with unnecessary aggression.
I think Adrian Peterson was acting as a parent, but I'm not sure if he knew what that meant. We all think the things we do are justifiable. That's the brain coping with behavior we are morally torn about. To gain perspective on the issue, I invite you to watch HOF wide receiver Cris Carter's reaction to abuse. I think more than anything this story should force those of us who are parents to step back and gain perspective on how and why we punish our kids. I don't want my kids to be afraid of me. Ever. For anything. But I want them to learn to be respectful and listen to direction. Deciding how to instill those lessons is the toughest thing I've ever had to do.